Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Vax Facts (part 2) A Conscientious Decision Against Vaccinations

A Conscientious Decision Against Vaccination
By Ahuva Gamliel, ND, AP

This is part II of my objection to vaccination.  After part I, my pediatrician asked me to reconsider vaccines for Pertussis, and Meningitis due to HIB.  I went back to the books to gather more information about all childhood vaccines.

The book referenced here is called “The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child” by Robert W. Sears, MD, FAAP.  In Dr. Sears pro-vaccine book, he gives me all the reasons and reinforces my decision NOT to vaccinate.  Here I go, bug by bug:

HIB (the bacterial flu bug)

This vax is typically given at 2, 4, 6, and 15 months, by AAP guidelines. 

According to Dr. Sears, “severe cases of this disease are now extremely rare.”  There are only about “25 cases per year in the United States in kids under five years of age.”  And, “a breastfed baby who does not attend day care is at a particularly low risk of catching this illness” (p. 9).  My guess is that those 25 cases were in children who have weak immune systems, live in unhygienic circumstances and were possibly malnourished or impoverished without access to appropriate medical care.

He says that he hasn’t seen a single case of HIB in 10 years of practice and that since the disease is so rare, HIB isn’t the most critical vaccine (p. 12).

Dr Sears states that in the vaccine trials, “more babies who received the vaccine caught a serious HIB infection than those who didn’t get the vaccine!” (p. 8).

It seems to me that the risks of the side-effects of the vax such as Guillain-Barre syndrome are more common and more threatening than the bug itself. 

According to the CDC, “The risk of Hib vaccine causing serious harm or death is extremely small.”  http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/side-effects.htm#hib

CONCLUSION:  My baby is breastfed and not in day care.  Therefore, she is at low risk for catching HIB, which is anyway a rare bug with rarely grave consequences.  Since the vaccine is known to have caused serious harm or death, why would I want to take that “small” chance???  No thank you!  We’ll stay healthy with breastmilk and naturopathic medicine and if need be, antibiotics!

Pneumococcal Disease (Pc)

This vax is also given at 2, 4, 6, and 15 months.

Despite the fact that the Merck manual states: “Immunogenicity and protective effects in children less than 2 years old have NOT been clearly shown” (page 1155).  “This vaccine is NOT recommended for children under 2 years old!” And that “The vaccine may not be effective in preventing pneumococcal meningitis…”

Dr Sears says that one of the side effects of this aluminum containing vax, is the “higher than average rate of seizures and other standard side-effects” (p. 20).

He says that “another reason some parents might decline this vaccine is that if their baby is breastfed and not in a large group day care, he has a lower than average risk of catching this disease.”

He says, “I’ve seen only one serious case of Pc infection in my office in my ten years of practice.”

Pc is treatable with antibiotics (oral or IV depending on the severity of the case).

CONCLUSION:  Based on the data above: we are not at high risk, the serious cases of this condition are rare, the side-effects of the vax are high, and the disease is treatable with ABT, my research supports my gut feeling against vaccination!


This aluminum and formaldehyde containing vax is given at 2, 4, 6, an 18 months.

The DT vax without the P also has “trace amounts” of mercury (less than 0.3 micrograms vs the 25 micrograms in the less expensive version).  If you want the low mercury form you have to ask for it!

Potential vax side-effects: shock, seizure, brain and nerve damage and dysfunction, Guillain Barre syndrome, encephalopathy, need I say more?

According to Dr Sears, Diptheria is extremely rare in the USA, virtually “nonesistent,” (p. 38).  He says, “I have never seen any diphtheria or tetanus in my office.”  It occurs in parts of Asia, Africa, Central and South America, the Middle East, and Europe.  So we won’t be going to those places anytime soon!

Tetanus is not a disease of infancy.  It is very rare when it does occur in a child.  Virtually all cases occur in adults (by then hasn’t the vax effect worn off?  I know Heb B is only good for 10 yrs! And then boosters are needed.)    

Tetanus vax is available by itself but it “isn’t officially approved for younger kids yet” (p. 42).

As of 2007, there is no pertussis only vax available.

Pertussis is most serious in the first 6 months of life.  Although it is common (he sees one case per month), in his experience, all babies who were hospitalized for pertussis “pulled through without any trouble” (p. 45).

There is no pertussis only vaccine, as of 2007 (p. 38).

CONCLUSION:  Why inject my child with toxic substances to avoid diseases that are virtually non-existent in the USA, not occurring in children, and conditions treatable with ABTs that “run its course” without complications???  Seems like a no-brainer to me!

Hep B

This aluminum and formaldehyde containing vax is given at birth, one month, and six months.

Possible effects include: lupus, visual problems, severe rash, bleeding disorders, liver damage, arthritis, seizures, multiple sclerosis, Guillian-Barre syndrome, nerve dysfunction and more!

“The ONLY babies who actually need this birth dose are those born to a mom with hep B” (p. 53).  Yet it is given to ALL babies born in hospitals without discussing it with the parents first.  Why?  Uncle Sam and big pharma have a ve$ted interest in “protecting” everyone.  Good grief!

In infants and children is extremely rare (p. 51).  From birth to fourteen years there are only ~130 confirmed cases each year.

In most adults it passes without much consequence.  And when treated appropriately, 1/3 of people are cured, even kids. 

CONCLUSION:  We’ll consider this one when she’s a little older (teenager) and she’ll get it for sure if she goes into the medical field (since it is a blood born or sexually transmitted disease).


Vax is given at 2, 4 and 6 months.

5-10% of infants experience “side-effects” of the vax including: seizures, intussuseption (life-threatening intestinal blockage!) that sometimes requires surgery.

Virus causes diarrhea (12 foul smelling stools per day) and vomiting.  This can lead to dehydration and worse.

It can be caught in day care centers that do not disinfect their toys daily and due to caretakers who do not wash their hands between diaper changes. 

By age 3 most kids have caught this bug as least once.  This exposure leads to life-long immunity.  Dr Sears says that, “infants who are breastfed and not in day care have a fairly low risk of catching this disease during the first year of life” (p. 69).

Treatment includes taking a probiotic powder and avoiding cow milk.  Easy enough!

CONCLUSION: We are at low risk, and the treatment has no side-effects while the prophylaxis may.  So we’ll skip this one!


Vax containing monkey kidney cells and human proteins (from embryos?) is given at 2, 4, 18 months and 5 years. 

According to Dr Sears, “there haven’t been any cases of  polio in the US since 1985 , when an immigrant came in with the disease.  No US-residing citizen has contracted wild polio (not caused by the vaccine) since 1979” (p. 72).  “The chance that an unvaccinated child will catch polio while living in the US is very close to zero (p. 77).

Side-effects of vax:  8 children each year in the US were being paralyzed by the vaccine” until the early 2000s!” (p. 75).

Certain countries in Africa and Asia have polio problems and vax should be considered when traveling to those countries. 

CONCLUSION:  Based on low risk, gross ingredients, and geographical considerations, we’ll skip this one for now.


Vax given at 1 and 5 yrs of age.

Measles is no longer a common condition.  We have only 50-100 cases reported each year (p. 80).  It is not usually a serious condition.  It usually passes in a week or so without any trouble.  Complications are extremely rare (p. 82).  If the disease occurs, it must run its course.  High dose vitamin A therapy can be used to lessen the duration and severity of the disease.


Mumps is not common.  In the past decade only about 250 cases have been reported each year in the US (p. 83).  According to Dr Sears this is not a disease to worry about in children.  For teens and adults, it can be more serious…

Rubella in children the disease is often so mild that is often goes unnoticed! (p. 84).  But because rubella can cause serious birth defects, “we vaccinate kids to protect pregnant teachers and mothers and their soon to be born babies”  (p. 85).  So the vax isn’t even to protect my child!  What the ???  I have to dump toxins and aborted fetal tissue etc in my kid to MAYBE help someone else.  No way, Jose!

“In the past few years, only about 20 cases have been reported each year in the US” (p. 85).  This condition is “virtually unrecognizable in children” and usually harmless for adults. It is not a fatal disease.  It runs its course and then provides immunity.

1/20 kids gets the general (mild) side-effects (such as aches, rash, and fever) which can occur up to 2 weeks after the vaccination.  The other possible side-effects listed in the product insert include: diabetes, bleeding disorders, life-threatening rash (Stevens-Johnson syndrome), nerve inflammation and dysfunction, eye inflammation and visual dysfunction, deafness, seizures, Guillain-Barre syndrome, inflamed pancreas, joint and muscle soreness, chronic arthritis, encephalitis, encephalopathy, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, autism, and even rare deaths from unknown causes!!!

Dr Sears says that “since the fatality or complication rates from these childhood diseases are fairly low,” there is no “ammunition” to convince parents to give their children this vaccine.

CONCLUSION:  All 3 of these viruses are uncommon and self-resolving without consequence.  The potential hazardous effects from the side effects of the vax are horrible.  I’ll have to take a PASS on this one.


Vax at 1 and 5 yrs is made with MSG, gelatin, guinea pig embryo cells, human embryo lung cells, cow fetus etc.

Side effects include: bleeding disorders, Guillain Barre syndrome, encephalitis, severe life-threatening rash, cardiac events, etc.

Chickenpox is usually harmless and is only serious for people with compromised immune systems.  It is treatable with acyclovir.  If started within 72 hours of the beginning of the rash, it can make this condition less bothersome.  There is also a chickenpox antibody injection that can be given to people who are expected to suffer a severe course of the illness (such as elderly and immune compromised/HIV infected etc). 

Some kids may have had the condition without even showing symptoms.  If that is the case, a blood test can be done to see if they were exposed enough to become immune (p. 106). 

Dr sears says that if my unvaccinated child does not catch chickenpox by age 11, that I may want to get the shot then if the blood test shows she is susceptible.  He says that most parents would rather let their child get chickenpox and get it over with, than get the vaccine and have it wear off later.

CONCLUSION:  If someone has chickenpox, I’ll make sure Ariella plays with them so she can get this condition over with and be immune for later when it could be a problem.  The vax is unnecessary. 

Hepatitis A

This aluminum and formaldehyde containing vax is given at 12 and 18 months.  Most cases occur between ages 5-14.

Side-effects include: seizures (1/100 children age 12-23 months), Guillain Barre syndrome, encephalitis, encephalopathy, nerve problems, and multiple sclerosis.

“Most children who get the virus don’t have any symptoms at all” (p. 109).  Only 30% of infected kids six years and under even act sick with hep A.  Kids 6-12 are more likely to feel sick but their symptoms are usually mild.  Teens and adults recover in a few weeks with no ill effects.
Exposure to this condition yields lifetime immunity.  So it is better to get it young, get through it easier, and be protected for the future.

Dr Sears says that even in an outbreak, the vaccine isn’t critical since hep A is harmless to a young child! (p. 113).

States affected by this condition are Arizona, Alaska, Oregon, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Idaho, Nevada and California.  Other areas of the country see very little of hep A (p. 111).

Dr Sears says that you should get the combination Hep A and B vaccine if you “plan to go to a Third World country and get a tattoo, eat questionable food from a street vendor, and have unprotected sex with a stranger” (p. 117).  Glad to see the dude has a sense of humor

CONCLUSION:  We live in Florida, not one of the affected states, and it is a rather benign self-limiting condition.


Given at 6, 12 months and then once a year. Vax contains mercury, gelatin, formaldehyde, MSG

Possible side effects include: Guillain Barre syndrome, encephalopathy, facial and arm paralysis, visual problems.

Virtually all cases of the flu pass without consequence.  And the disease isn’t usually treated anyway, so why bother with the vax? 

There are less than 60 deaths per year in children up to 14 years old.  Complications of the flu usually occur in the elderly or people with chronic heart, lung, or immune system diseases (p. 121-123).  Children with asthma, diabetes or chronic health diseases are recommended to take the vaccine but otherwise healthy people do not need the shot.

People who SHOULD NOT be given the vax include those with: egg allergy, past history of Guillain Barre syndrome, and children routinely taking aspirin.

Antivirals can make the course of the disease milder.

Dr Sears says, “I feel that the potential severity of the flu for infants and children has been hyped up by the media.  The actual number of fatalities on this age group every year is extremely small.  Combine this with the high rate of side effects and the unusual chemical additives in the shot, and it’s no wonder some parents shy away from making this a routine vaccine for their kids” (p. 134). 

CONCLUSIONSee highlighted paragraph above by Dr Sears from p 134 of his book.  It summarizes my sentiments very nicely!


Meningococcal Disease and Vax

Given at 12 yrs old or upon entry to college or military.  Approval for children as young as age two is pending as of 2007.

Side effects:  Guillain Barre syndrome etc.

The condition occurs in dormitories but is not very common except in Africa in the “meningitis belt.”

CONCLUSION:  My daughter is not at risk for this rare condition as of now and the safety of this vax has not been proven.  I refuse to let my daughter be a guinea pig for drug companies to test their toxins on.  Sorry.


Vax for this STD is given at 12 yrs old. 

We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.


According to Dr Sears, sometimes diseases such as pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis A, the flu, and rotavirus aren’t even recognized and the patient recovers without ever getting diagnosed (p. 31).  Furthermore, having exposure to these bugs grants lifetime immunity for prevention of future illness in the same individual.  He says that even mild cases of Pc or hepatitis may be self-limiting without necessitating treatment.

The issue of mercury in vax is still a concern.  Even when “thimerosal-free” vax are given, it’s not that they contain NO mercury, it’s that they contain LESS mercury.  You see, the big pharma can’t stand the thought of losing all that money on vax they already produced with mercury so what they did was to FILTER out the mercury in the vax so as not to lose all that product and money and market them as “thimerosal-free” even though they STILL contain mercury (p. 35).  The amount of mercury is ~1% of what used to be there.  Not all vax have mercury in them, but I recommend that a parent read the drug “product inserts” to see exactly what their child is being injected with so that they are not mislead by labels that are purposely deceitful.

One of the reoccurring themes in Dr Sears’ book was that children who are breastfed and not in day care are at low risk for these childhood illnesses.  He says that the reason why many of these seemingly unnecessary vax are given is in order to keep these illnesses away from out population forever.

Another reason cited for giving vax to children who don’t need them, was in order to protect the adults, especially pregnant women who work with them.  Excuse me?  You want me to inject my child with heavy metals, toxins, and other GROSS ingredients in order to protect YOU?  Are you kidding me?  If you want to use children as human shields, maybe you should market your toxic DRUGS to mothers of Hamas children.  They don’t seem to mind the idea!

Finally, to my dear pediatrician: I hope that this second research paper has convinced you that I have done my homework on this matter and that my decision NOT to vaccinate is based on thoughtful consideration, factual information, and most of all LOVE for my daughter and my innate motherly instinct to protect her from harm and to serve as her advocate as G-d has appointed me to do.  My motherly instincts tell me that there is something terribly wrong with the standard of care today and I will not ignore my gut feeling to follow the masses into their fate.

So to accuse me of “procrastinating” by not vaccinating “on schedule” is an insult to my intelligence and my right to choose.  I have made a deliberate decision not to vaccinate based on the information presented here, and not based on fear and ignorance.

Finally, you suggested, that both mothers of vaccinated and unvaccinated children should pray on their decision.  Here is my prayer. 

A Mother’s Prayer

Master of the Universe!
Creator of light and darkness,
Day and night,
Good and evil,
Life and death…

In your infinite kindness,
I beseech you to
Protect Your child
Who is in my care
You, the Creator of health and illness (sheloh nidah)

Please, Dear G-d, support me in my decision
Of keeping Your child, entrusted to me, safe from harmful and toxic substances.
Grant her total health and wellness-
That she should not fall ill to any predatory bug, critter, or any other ailment for that matter.

For in Your hands lies the fate of every one of Your children.
In Your Heavenly hands I entrust my spirit and my daughter’s.

Thank You Heavenly Father for supporting me in my decision
To guard Our daughter from dangerous medications with harmful side-effects.

Ahuva Gamliel, ND, AP

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