Thursday, July 9, 2020

No Gym? No Problem & NO Excuses!!!

Our fitness, health and wellbeing is in our hands regardless of what is going on externally. It is a responsibility that we cannot afford to ignore.  Exercise is crucial not only to achieve and maintain optimal physical health and wellbeing, but also for our mental and emotional wellness--to prevent or reduce anxiety and depression by secreting vital neurotransmitters from our brains that make us feel good.

Cross country high school race, San Diego Rock 'n Roll Marathon, Hollywood Beach 5K, Tour De Broward 5K 

I am sharing these FREE Tips and CHEAP Tools for health and fitness training because it's important to me to practice what I preach and I am passionate about sharing my experience and knowledge with others so that they can also achieve their 
optimal health and wellbeing. 

Well, times they are a changin' here in Florida with another round of business closures. And we gotta work with what we've got.  LA Fitness in South Florida was closed from March until June due to the pandemic but when they opened up, although I came on opening day, it was not the same.  It was nice on reopening day that all of the free weights were in their place for a moment but there were new challenges that made returning there undesirable.  Even though they set up sanitization centers, require masks, and took away 1/2 or more of the cardio equipment and also taped up every other machine, I didn't feel comfortable working out in the gym.  Even though I am not afraid of getting sick, I felt like there were the same amount of people there and half of the equipment so I felt like people were too close for comfort to me.  So back to square 1...

Due to the resurgence in case numbers, there is even talk of parks and beaches in South Florida closing again.  Walking, jogging, and riding your bike outdoors is challenging during monsoon season/ summer in Florida with our daily unpredictable rain storms.  Take advantage of good weather days by talking a walk in the park if it is open or around your neighborhood (with a good breathable mask if you have to).  I love using my ankle weights when I go for a walk or even going up and down a step in the park for 20 minutes to get more out of my workout.  Try it!

While exercising, I always wear my sweat bands.  I have different colors to match different outfits. I use the one on the right wrist to wipe sweat off of my face and I put ~10 drops of essential oils on the sweatband of my left wrist and sniff it for a burst of energy while I am training. I love using the wrist bands for cycling and running.  When you start to feel a little sluggish, it helps to put more pep in your step! Essential oils have great health benefits such as rosemary for memory, peppermint for sore muscles, ginger for inflammation, lavender for tranquility, and frankincense for immune function.

Another important exercise tool to have is an exercise mat.  The one in the link is great because you can roll it up and put it in your car and take it to the park or beach (if those options are available where you live). You can use it for doing planks, sit-ups, pushups, yoga, mat pilates, stretching and more.  It is especially important on hard surfaces such as tiles, hardwood floors and even the outdoors to protect your joints and provide padding and comfort for ease of movement.  When using the ab roller, for example, an exercise mat is important for cushioning and protecting the knees. I recommend doing 3 sets of 10 repetitions 3 times per week.

*The blue hyperlinks throughout this post are provided for your convenience.  If you have Amazon Prime, these items can be shipped to you very quickly and you can implement these recommendations pronto!

Notice my secret weapon sweat bands locked and loaded!

Another great workout that only takes a few minutes is jump rope. Many boxers use jump ropes as a means to quickly elevate heart rate, pump blood to the muscles and warm up for a more strenuous workout.  It is a great form of cardiovascular workout as it boosts circulation and coordination and does not require much time at all. If you have knee, hip or spine injuries this is not the activity for you--more non-impact options below.  Alternate activities that are similar to jumping rope and require no equipment include jumping jacks and burpees.  These also achieve the same kinds of benefits.

Jumping is fun because it connects us with our inner child.  I am a strong believer that whatever form of exercise(s) you chose to do, it should be FUN/enjoyable!  Otherwise if it is just a chore to check off your list, it is easy to push it off and eventually it can stop becoming a habit, and we want to build a lifetime of physical activity to prevent all the potential illnesses that go hand in hand with a sedentary lifestyle.  If you want to nurture and honor your inner child, consider getting a mini-trampoline and using that as an instrument of fitness and fun while living your best life. You can even get one with a handle bar for additional safety and balance by holding on while you do twists or splits in the air, if you are so inclined. So go ahead and jump for joy!

Notice my secret weapon sweat bands 
locked and loaded!

You can take exercise bands with you where-ever you go because they are compact and fit into your purse, backpack etc.(I store them in the small pouch under my bicycle seat) to get a little resistance training in. This helps to keep your muscles strong and prevent muscular atrophy.  Add these resistance bands to your gear for an additional strength training options.  When I ride my bike to the beach and back (12 miles roundtrip) I like to wear my neoprene shorts to make me sweat more (this helps with reducing excess water weight, inflammation and inches). I also like to wear them in the swimming pool for triathlon training because it makes me more buoyant and simulates salt water buoyancy. When the shorts are in the laundry, I alternate using my neoprene belt. The belt is also great to wear while weight training for back support and it also helps with maintaining good posture.

 Sunset resistance band training. 
Notice anything on my wrists?

As you can see, the good news is that there is plenty you can do at home or outside without needing a gym or relying on public parks to be open! Exercise is vital not only for physical health and wellness but also for mental health!  Exercise releases endorphins and serotonin which are neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of wellbeing, happiness, and preventing and treating depression and anxiety. 
There are so many benefits to exercise and you only need 20 minutes per day.

When you start working with a personal trainer, they take before and after measurements.  I encourage you before starting an exercise program (first consult with your primary care provider) to also take your own measurements.  You will be shocked and happily surprised at how much your body can transform in 1 week, 3, weeks,6 weeks etc.  Taking weekly measurements helps you to see results and improvements and motivates you to continue. This scale, for example, give you your weight, body mass index (BMI), % body fat, muscle mass, hydration and bone mass.  For a small investment, I think it's gives you a lot of valuable data to measure your progress and keep you on track. Also, sometimes you may have a stall in weight loss but may still be losing inches.  We all know that muscle weighs more than fat so I recommend to also take circumference measurements with a measuring tape of the abdomen, hips, (and chest, arms and legs optional) so that you can have more evidence of your success and progress.  If you already have a scale you love, you can opt for the hand held BMI and body fat measuring devices such as this one. I use all 3 of these in my practice to get the most information and to track the most transformation.

A non-impact sport that is great for anyone with joint or spine issues is swimming.  If you have access to a clean pool or safe open water, take advantage of that and swim.  Swimming is a great workout and also doesn't take long to boost your heart rate and derive health benefits such as improving metabolism and more.  I love my goggles (seen in the left photo below) that I bought online and use them every time I train for the swimming portion of my triathlon.  They provide great protection from the sun and the elements.

Swimming is a great full body sport and easy on the joints!

Let's talk more about cardiovascular exercise.  What additional options do you have? We can't always rely on the outdoors because of problematic weather such as thunder and strong winds which make it unsafe to be outside sometimes.  So we need to have more viable inside options.  You can dance, watch a yoga video, find tai chi, qi gong, zumba, belly dancing or other movement videos on DVD or online and do them daily.

I enjoy using my cycling peddler. I used to keep it under my desk in my office and use it at work! It's compact and stores easily in a closet at home.  The pro of this device is that since there is no computer, I can use it on Shabbat (the Sabbath) but the con is that it is a bit flimsy so in order to make it work, I have to prop it up against something so that it doesn't move.  Here is a demo video that I made for a friend of mine using light hand weights. This item is a must have for the home for upper body workouts! There are heavier, sturdier versions of this device which may be a better buy for most people, like this one. I like to listen to educational videos and lectures while I am working out. It makes the time pass faster.

Demo of peddler with hand weight exercise workout

I also love my little stepper It is very compact and I can do it in my bedroom while watching TV.  Even though it comes with built in resistance bands, I like to alternate with using my hand weights.   For upper body workout, I recommend this pull up bar device is easy to assemble and even easy to pack in a suitcase (been there done that!). You will be surprised at how much you can improve.  In the beginning if you can't do pull ups, just jump up and hold yourself in position to build your upper body strength until you can go up and down.

Getting to physical therapy appointments and other health care sessions can be more tricky now that social distancing measures prevent offices from having people in the waiting room.  Well, the good news is that there are things you can do at home. If you have any herniated discs, for example, I have found that the best therapy for me was ordering this inversion table.  In 2008 when I was 8 months pregnant I had a slip and fall injury and herniated 2 discs in my neck.  The nerve damage was so severe that I could not make a fist with my right hand (and I am right handed). I had to learn to brush my teeth with my left hand.  The inversion table healed me (Thank G-d). It is easy to assemble and the best investment I could have made!

A trick of the trade that Bruce Lee allegedly used on his whole body to tone and exercise his muscles is a TENS machine.  This device helps the muscles to passively contract and relax producing a boost in metabolism and resulting in better muscle tone and definition.  If you have any pain condition it can be used as physical therapy.  I used it when I was training for a body building competition and it seemed to work for me.  I recommend doing two 15 minute cycles on different settings, for example vibration and tapping.  

Working your muscles out in ways that they are not used to can make them sore.  A foam roller allows you to use your own body weight to self massage your tight to sore muscles and helps to bring relief to any discomfort.  

They say that 6 pack abs are made in the kitchen, so exercising without eating right won't get you far.  I use these glass meal prep containers to prepare healthy meals.  They are oven and dish washer safe. I love them and have traveled with them.  They are very practical and really a necessity if competing in body building, but also good to take to work or other places to be prepared with good food.  

The following natural supplements are also very helpful and beneficial in fitness training. L carnitine is an amino acid used in the fitness industry for fat burning. Unlike the hundreds of products on the market that promise results, this one actually delivers! When training for competition, I took 3 shots per day.  Now I take 1 shot per day and I add it to my daily morning organic green tea.  I steep 2 green tea bags (anti-oxidant) in 52 oz of boiled water with a pinch of fresh grated ginger (for digestion and circulation). If I don't have fresh ginger then I replace 1 tea bag with a bag of organic ginger tea. I add benefiber 1-2 packs because the Standard American Diet only has 8g of fiber and the recommended daily allowance is 25g per day. I add 1 dropper full of chlorophyll (alkaline pH, detox/cleanse and nutrient rich) and the juice of 1 lemon or lime.  When lemons are 89 cents each and limes are 10 for $1, I go for the limes! This is what I drink every morning and it's delicious!

This is my favorite amino drink that I use during workouts.  I also add a scoop of vitamin C powder.  

If you want a PLAIN protein powder that has no taste which you can add to recipes such as bread, pancakes, or any baked goods or if you are vegetarian or vegan and putting it into your sauces and recipes, this is my recommendation and what we use in my home.

For fruit smoothies, acai bowls, and coffee mixes (as an alternative to milk), I like to blend Sun Warrior Vanilla Protein Powder. It is vegan and kosher and yummy! They also have a delicious mocha flavor.

For chocolate flavor, I use this one.  It is much more expensive but it is much more than just a protein powder.  It has additional ingredients which would be equivalent to taking an additional 2 bottles of supplements, which in my humble opinion, justifies the price.  It's a quality and packet with vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, herbs and enzymes.

For those who are burning the candle at both ends, working late hours and not getting enough sleep, adrenal support may be in order.  I am preparing a talk on this topic and will post it to my blog ASAP! It's going to be called: Sugar, Sex, and Salt--what is the common denominator?

Bee pollen is a good source of natural energy and nutrition. It can be added to a smoothie or on oatmeal etc.

In life pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.  We can be triumphant in difficult times despite the extenuating circumstances.  We cannot use the global crisis as an excuse to fall into poor health and wellbeing.  We must do what is within our power to control and that is: what we eat and how we move our bodies!

 One of our patients has lost over 50 lbs during quarantine
 from March to July! Her cholesterol dropped 100 points and her triglycerides dropped 25 points. You can do it too!
If you need help with figuring out what to eat to reach your health and fitness goals, 
please reach out! 
(786)537-0771 M-F EST
Telehealth & mobile services Are Available!

Most of you know me as a health care practitioner (Naturopathic Doctor and Licensed Acupuncture Physician). In Florida, Acupuncturists are primary care providers and we can bill some insurances. What you may not know about me is that I am a certified group fitness* and certified mat pilates* instructor since 2002.  I taught mat pilates at various gyms in Seattle, Washington while attending graduate school and have been a competitive athlete for the last 4 decades.  My love for sports started in elementary school.  I played indoor speed soccer, soft ball, basketball and ping pong competitively in after school tournaments at the Boys & Girls Club and I also performed in ballet, tap and jazz dance recitals.

*Aerobics Instructor, Aerobics & Fitness Association of America                           
*Pilates Instructor, NDETA: A National Fitness Professional Training Association  

Because of my athletic inclination, I was regularly chosen as team captain in PE (physical education) at school and I dominated in hand ball, tetherball, kickball, dodge ball and color war and led our team to victories.  In high school, I competed and lettered in varsity track and field and ran cross-country.  In college and beyond, I took surfing, martial arts and kick-boxing, yoga, African dance and tennis (no credit courses) because I always like to try new things and expand my sports repertoire with new skills that help in my overall athletic performance (now known as cross-training but didn't exist then).  In graduate school, I took up Latin Ballroom dancing, started running half marathons, marathons (even a rollerblading marathon around Lake Washington in the rain!) and ultra-cycling events (inter-state!).

After grad school, I competed in dozens of 5K races (even came in top 3 a couple times) and in a couple of body building competitions (and even got a trophy and a metal).  This coming fall, (unless the events are rescheduled due to the pandemic again), I am scheduled to compete in my first Spartan (mud obstacle) race and my first sprint triathlon.  Now that you have a little taste of my athletic background, you can understand why it is important to me to share with you the methods that I personally use to stay fit regardless of quarantine or no quarantine

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